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Game Name Publisher C3 Score Add
Asdivine HeartsAsdivine HeartsKemco7/10Add Asdivine Hearts to your collection Add Asdivine Hearts to your wishlist
Asdivine Hearts 2Asdivine Hearts 2Kemco6/10Add Asdivine Hearts 2 to your collection Add Asdivine Hearts 2 to your wishlist
Break Arts IIBreak Arts IIPlayism7/10Add Break Arts II to your collection Add Break Arts II to your wishlist
Darts UpDarts UpEnjoyUp3/10Add Darts Up to your collection Add Darts Up to your wishlist
Hearts of Iron IVHearts of Iron IVParadox5/10Add Hearts of Iron IV to your collection Add Hearts of Iron IV to your wishlist
Hearts of Iron IV: Death or DishonorHearts of Iron IV: Death or DishonorParadox6/10Add Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor to your collection Add Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor to your wishlist
Hearts of Iron IV: Together for VictoryHearts of Iron IV: Together for VictoryParadox3/10Add Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory to your collection Add Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory to your wishlist
Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the TigerHearts of Iron IV: Waking the TigerParadox6/10Add Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger to your collection Add Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger to your wishlist
Hogwarts LegacyHogwarts LegacyWarner Bros.9/10Add Hogwarts Legacy to your collection Add Hogwarts Legacy to your wishlist
Home is Where One StartsHome is Where One StartsDavid Wehle5/10Add Home is Where One Starts to your collection Add Home is Where One Starts to your wishlist
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysSquare Enix7/10Add Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days to your collection Add Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days to your wishlist
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceKingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceSquare Enix9/10Add Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance to your collection Add Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance to your wishlist
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIXKingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIXSquare Enix7/10Add Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX to your collection Add Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX to your wishlist
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueKingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueSquare Enix6/10Add Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue to your collection Add Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue to your wishlist
Kingdom Hearts IIIKingdom Hearts IIISquare Enix9/10Add Kingdom Hearts III to your collection Add Kingdom Hearts III to your wishlist
Kingdom Hearts Re:CodedKingdom Hearts Re:CodedSquare Enix9/10Add Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded to your collection Add Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded to your wishlist
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